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Did all the Californianistas make it into town ok?
Seriously, safe travels to everyone, really looking forward to the season starting and happy to get to catch this great match up the first week of the season. I'm rummaging through my closet for all the black and red clothing I can find..
Have fun at the get together, I'll be there in spirit!
you guys may be right about that but I will probably lose it sweatin about the game and of course the humidity could get me.. hey guys thanks for setting up the party at 12 noon close by from hotel
I saw a picture of it eddie deens crossing smokehouse .. you can see cowboy stadium right there .. that's awesome im leaving early afternoon out of SFO . when I land I will be signing autographs
at Whataburger at about 9pm at 211 s Watson blvd in Arlington ... thanks for allowing me to be on your state board here it was awesome . looking forward to meeting some of you guys
super b .. trojanbacker ... dpaul...trinity dad at the 12 noon party .. again thanks a lot
Safe travels to you, your team and fans. We hope Trinity can at least make it a game for you guys.
you guys may be right about that but I will probably lose it sweatin about the game and of course the humidity could get me.. hey guys thanks for setting up the party at 12 noon close by from hotel
I saw a picture of it eddie deens crossing smokehouse .. you can see cowboy stadium right there .. that's awesome im leaving early afternoon out of SFO . when I land I will be signing autographs
at Whataburger at about 9pm at 211 s Watson blvd in Arlington ... thanks for allowing me to be on your state board here it was awesome . looking forward to meeting some of you guys
super b .. trojanbacker ... dpaul...trinity dad at the 12 noon party .. again thanks a lot
I've noticed BBQ is so subjective around these parts. One person might think the BBQ at one place is good vs another who says it sucks. But both would consider themselves BBQ experts and know what good BBQ taste like. No other food category can spark so many different opinions.
SportStars Magazine, a high school sports publication in Northern California will be at the Indoor Tailgate taking pictures and of course eating with us! We welcome them to the great state of Texas!
All Arlington Martin Fans All De Soto Fans! All De La Salle Fans! All Trinity Fans! All other Fans! All set and ready to go! Let me know how many in your
ok guys your right lol just talked to Hubert the owner they are open Friday - sunday . i guess will stop by Friday . well ill be at the get together Saturday at 12 noon eddie deens crossing
at Collins rd ... man d paul really got me on his last post that its going to be a long trip home lol .. don't know why i cant get a grasp on this game as far as a prediction ? trinity is so big
natee and Wilson are a concern on their offense .. both # 28 on both teams could make huge plays in this game
FYI. North Main BBQ is an out growth of a trucking company. It got started by the owner and his wife cooking for the employees on Fridays & Saturdays. The wife would actually ring a triangle to let the guys know when it was ready. Later on their cooking reputation spread and they opened to the public, but still kept the weekend schedule. When the food is gone no more is cooked for that day. They catered my oldest daughter's wedding and the food was very well received.
Plenty of other spots for your Thursday repast. Have a great visit and good luck to you and your team! Go Trojans!
In the past, Trinity has been a grind it out on the ground physical team. While their scores weren't impressive as other top teams in the area, it was mainly because they controlled the clock with their run game. Long, time consuming drives resulting in scores limited them to no more than 40 points a game. Of course keeping the opponents defense on the field limited the time their offense was out there, also resulting in low scoring games for offenses who normally put several points on the board. Now with a new head coach, it remains to be seen (for me anyway) if Trinity will continue to run this type of game plan or go with a quicker offensive scheme that will open up the field for quicker scoring.
Their defense has always been the bend but don't break type defense. Opponents are able to drive sometimes effortlessly between the twenties but once there, the defense becomes solid and difficult to break and get into the end-zone.
Examples from last year against high scoring offenses.
Allen wins 30-27 with a last second field goal.
Southlake Carroll wins 10-6
Trinity will be very physical, their upfront guys are big, conditioned and strong. They will wear down an opponent so DLS will, as you say, be substituting on a regular basis. The talent of the substitutes can play a major factor in the outcome of this game.
If Trinity's offense is of the past, I see them controlling the clock and holding DLS's high powered offense to four scores, mainly because of clock control, limiting time possession allocated to DLS.
Prediction: Trinity 35 - DLS 28
If Trinity goes with a quicker offense, they will need to score on just about every possession as I see DLS running an assortment of play actions, sweeps, etc. to keep the defense on its toes every down which will wear them down as the game progresses. It wouldn't surprise me if DLS has studied game films of the opponents mentioned above.
ok guys your right lol just talked to Hubert the owner they are open Friday - sunday . i guess will stop by Friday . well ill be at the get together Saturday at 12 noon eddie deens crossing
at Collins rd ... man d paul really got me on his last post that its going to be a long trip home lol .. don't know why i cant get a grasp on this game as far as a prediction ? trinity is so big
natee and Wilson are a concern on their offense .. both # 28 on both teams could make huge plays in this game
I would not take the ongoing "big and slow" joke too seriously.
Watch this years first edition HS sports extra on Channel 8 last night and this game was one of the topic's. One of Ch 8's sports reporters was in Cali last week and attended two practices and here was his take. Very discipline team that reminded him of Odessa in their style of play. Biggest concerns, is their team speed and undersize on the lines compare to ET combine with three OL that also plays on the DL. These guys will be worn down by the 3rd qt if this is the case.
Thanks for your info. The Spartans will be subbing liberally just like Trinity. The Spartans, again like Trinity, are pretty deep this year at pretty much every position. This shouldn't be huge problem for either team. Should be a good one!
ok guys your right lol just talked to Hubert the owner they are open Friday - sunday . i guess will stop by Friday . well ill be at the get together Saturday at 12 noon eddie deens crossing
at Collins rd ... man d paul really got me on his last post that its going to be a long trip home lol .. don't know why i cant get a grasp on this game as far as a prediction ? trinity is so big
natee and Wilson are a concern on their offense .. both # 28 on both teams could make huge plays in this game
ok so im being told this barbecues place isn't open on Thursday ? that's strange .. i guess i didn't do my research to well ? as far as D PAUL comments .. lol i have had some long flights home in the past
and if the Spartans lose it will be a long flight home .. i heard that trinity and de la salle exchanged videos of most of their games last year so that compliant i made about the scrimmage last Friday means nothing
Thursday afternoon headed to north main bbq .. will be there at 215 pm then headed to dfw to pick up one of my buddy . will take to go for him ... d paul ... trojanbacker .. super b ... any of you guys in area at that time ill buy you guys lunch ? seems not to far from trinity high school
Thursday, eh? I tell ya, you are doing the whole shooting match in regards to coming to the MetroMess. I'm not much of a barbecue guy, but I may drop by there on Thursday just to meet you. I admire anyone who will travel all the way across the danged United States to watch a high school football game. A non-district game at that.
Watch this years first edition HS sports extra on Channel 8 last night and this game was one of the topic's. One of Ch 8's sports reporters was in Cali last week and attended two practices and here was his take. Very discipline team that reminded him of Odessa in their style of play. Biggest concerns, is their team speed and undersize on the lines compare to ET combine with three OL that also plays on the DL. These guys will be worn down by the 3rd qt if this is the case.
I've noticed BBQ is so subjective around these parts. One person might think the BBQ at one place is good vs another who says it sucks. But both would consider themselves BBQ experts and know what good BBQ taste like. No other food category can spark so many different opinions.
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