Who cares to think objectively? It's getting close to week 1 so if someone wants to stir the pot let them.
Texas is king of High School Football. The start of the season is like Christmas in August and you're sounding like the Grinch who stole Texas High School Football.
Euless Trinity vs De La Salle (CA)
Pretty much everyone on the national board are homers. That is par for the course over there. Also there is a stick together mentality. When one team is being "picked on", all posters from that state unifies in defending them. Here it is our team we talk about and defend. Sometimes our region. There it is our state we talk about and defend. It's a real comradary.
Originally posted by DevilDogI put no faith in polls. Hell 25% of Republicans think the white Don King should be President. Trinity will be just fine against DLS. They play to Trinity's strength. No HS football team is just gonna lineup and run over them. DLS does not run Trickery like Bellevue.
HS polls are about as realistic as the tooth fairy. A lot of football to go. When it's over I will know which team is better. Match ups not polls determine games. T's up not just Trinity but Texas. One of our big boys against Cali big boy rankings be damned.Leave a comment:
Pretty much everyone on the national board are homers. That is par for the course over there. Also there is a stick together mentality. When one team is being "picked on", all posters from that state unifies in defending them. Here it is our team we talk about and defend. Sometimes our region. There it is our state we talk about and defend. It's a real comradary.Leave a comment:
Pulled this off the national board. I am not the only one who is skeptical.
👍 1Leave a comment:
that might be the first time you have said you're impressed without pulling the "sos" card.Leave a comment:
Pulled this off the national board. I am not the only one who is skeptical.
Error says I'm not allowed to visit the community. Is that common? I don't have much time these days to research and pretty sure I've not posted over there at all or enough to ruffle any feathers.Leave a comment:
Pulled this off the national board. I am not the only one who is skeptical.
Originally posted by SaltCureDLS means nothing to me or most Texas HS football fans. I could give a fat f$&k how you think we should treat them. DLS is "storied" thanks to the region of the state they are in and the cream puff schedule they have played for generations. Only in NorCal can you win 140+ games, act like it was a helluva accomplishment, ignore the glaring lack of decent teams in the area, then demand special treatment from OOS fans like some spoiled, rotten rich kid.
And your right, Texas is the epicenter of hs football, and DFW is king. There would be no 140+ game winning streak, hell probably not a 30+ winning streak for DLS in the DFW area, therefore no "storied program" to build up. Put Trinity or SLC in the Rio Grande Valley or El Paso region and see of they ever lose. Even then, at least there is a legit playoff system to navigate.Last edited by Super B; 08-18-2015, 09:37 AM.Leave a comment:
you're right, they're not and probably never will be. The fact that you remain fixated on "SOS" though is laughable. 151 is 151 no way around it but you seem to be fixated on trying to say it wasn't that impressive or trying to poke at it because in your mind they didn't play who you wanted them to play?
Why do you remain so fixated on "sos". Most people see 151 in a row and say damn, that's impressive. SuperB sees 151 and says well spit on that they didn't play anybody. In Texas you play quality and great teams in the 2nd and 3rd round of the playoffs.... Given that ET played the weakest road to a title I 2005 does that mean instead of seeing a title you say that you're not impressed because they played nobody?
However I am not talking streak only. I am talking 35 years with 29 non wins (losses or ties). Again I do think that is quite impressive.👍 1Leave a comment:
Understood. Trinity from those seasons had one of or maybe the the weakest playoff runs.Still I am not talking about Trinity. I am talking Judson of the '80's thru mid '00's, Katy thru mid '90's thru present and the DLS Spartans from 1979 thru present. Trinity is not up there with those teams.
Why do you remain so fixated on "sos". Most people see 151 in a row and say damn, that's impressive. SuperB sees 151 and says well spit on that they didn't play anybody. In Texas you play quality and great teams in the 2nd and 3rd round of the playoffs.... Given that ET played the weakest road to a title I 2005 does that mean instead of seeing a title you say that you're not impressed because they played nobody?Leave a comment:
Yes. Game day at Noon.
RSVP in the thread above.Leave a comment:
OK, I've been gone awol for too long. What are the plans for this one? Any meetups?
Anyone hear from Plaindriver, and is he coming?Leave a comment:
Understood. Trinity from those seasons had one of or maybe the the weakest playoff runs.Still I am not talking about Trinity. I am talking Judson of the '80's thru mid '00's, Katy thru mid '90's thru present and the DLS Spartans from 1979 thru present. Trinity is not up there with those teams.
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I just think it is quite an amazing record. To think that a team was just THAT good over all these years (1979-present) is irrational. I am sure some years DLS was THAT good. I just think over the course of 35 years the competition has been minimal. Again, in Texas no team has come close to having a record like that. The reason is because even if a team is the best, there are always teams capable of beating the best. Katy beat SLC in 2003. That was one loss in 81 games. SLC was truly the best team over the course of that time. Allen is currently on a 43!game win streak, which many suspect will come to an end this season sometime. Yet Allen has played a number of close games that was not decided until late in the 4th quarter. Great teams are likely going to waltz thru their regular system even IF they play a tough non-district schedule. Once the 3rd round of the playoffs gets here, things get a great deal tougher. Depending on the draw, it may be the 2nd round.Leave a comment:
I remember super b did make a statement that he wanted more spartanhood guys on here and he wanted all of us to talk trash .. both teams have incredible incentive to win this game . the home team
trinity a chance to knock off the # 1 team in the nation in some polls and ya got the road team dls wanting to show the country that this program can win in texas .. but ya know what this is a perspective from a fan
what I just said ... just a reminder when de la salle was running this streak of 151 at that time no teams were traveling around the nation . they were playing teams in their area . dls played so cal teams and went 12-0.... its hard to talk smack cause I don't wish to jinx our team . I hate doing it... this is going to be a hell of a trip
Actually that doesn't get you "off the hook". My argument is that CALIFORNIA does not appear to be very competitive. I am saying only two teams have ever won over 100 in a row, the other being Independence HS of Charlotte, NC. Their 109 game win streak was started during the Spartan streak, but ended a few years later. NC is a nice HS football state, but not California or Florida or Texas (the big three). In theory it should be much easier to put together a long win streak in a non power state. Much harder in the big three.
It's also more than just the streak. DLS has won 427 out of 456 games in 35 years. That is less than one non win (loss or tie) a year. It took traveling to Washington and playing a very good nationally ranked Bellevue team to break the streak. Another way to look at it is DLS has won 421 out of the last 445 CALIFORNIA games they have played.
I am sure even DLS folks would agree the streak and the overall record achieved has taken some luck as well. Aside from luck DLS is unquestionably the best team in Cali since 1979. I could see one dominant team in a lesser state doing this. Bellevue for example has for a long time (not nearly as long) dominated WA. They probably have a similar record during their run. But that's Washington.Leave a comment:
well I thought your research was outstanding super b the stats about dls ... conclusion is they are consistent in the last 36 years .. and northern California does not have any competion to compete with
de la salle .. and that's my take on that .. ive been known to get real passion about this program cause every year they beat teams much bigger than them and work real hard.. i don't think its arrogance when ya
back up your team ... it would so cool if ya showed trinitys past performances and the teams they played out of state and how they ended up .. i admit i bring up stats and past history much more than the actual coaching staff or past players .. they are much more humble than me .. oh by the way again i was joking about going to a strip joint just like i said i would go to the pep rally at trinity .. sorry if i offended anyoneLeave a comment:
I remember super b did make a statement that he wanted more spartanhood guys on here and he wanted all of us to talk trash .. both teams have incredible incentive to win this game . the home team
trinity a chance to knock off the # 1 team in the nation in some polls and ya got the road team dls wanting to show the country that this program can win in texas .. but ya know what this is a perspective from a fan
what I just said ... just a reminder when de la salle was running this streak of 151 at that time no teams were traveling around the nation . they were playing teams in their area . dls played so cal teams and went 12-0.... its hard to talk smack cause I don't wish to jinx our team . I hate doing it... this is going to be a hell of a tripLeave a comment:
My man Super B, I have some thoughts about this. I understand how it looks from nearly everyone who looks at that stat but ... DLS doesn't or hasn't played the best teams (outside of DLS) from N. Cali on a yearly basis.. There have been exception like when they played Folsom 2 years in a row a couple years ago. Folsom last year would have been a great game IMO but the powers that be screwed that one up. They have not played the great Grant teams ever. That would have been a challenging game because they were very good. Bellarmine should have ended the N. Cali streak a few years ago but they missed an extra point. My point is that due to schedules, timing, down years, etc. there has not been many years where the #1 and #2 in N. Cali have actually played.
That is my thoughts on the matter. How do you Trinity fans feel about your new coach? Excited? What is he doing different that your previous coach?
Good luck to both schools and hopefully everyone stays healthy. I can't wait for this game.Leave a comment:
My man Super B, I have some thoughts about this. I understand how it looks from nearly everyone who looks at that stat but ... DLS doesn't or hasn't played the best teams (outside of DLS) from N. Cali on a yearly basis.. There have been exception like when they played Folsom 2 years in a row a couple years ago. Folsom last year would have been a great game IMO but the powers that be screwed that one up. They have not played the great Grant teams ever. That would have been a challenging game because they were very good. Bellarmine should have ended the N. Cali streak a few years ago but they missed an extra point. My point is that due to schedules, timing, down years, etc. there has not been many years where the #1 and #2 in N. Cali have actually played.
That is my thoughts on the matter. How do you Trinity fans feel about your new coach? Excited? What is he doing different that your previous coach?
Good luck to both schools and hopefully everyone stays healthy. I can't wait for this game.Leave a comment:
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if you weren't so arrogant in other areas of your posting I might believe you. The thing is I actually think you believe what you say. Anytime you refer to people as arrogant it's truly comical.
Now let's discuss that oh so vaunted road Teinity played to titles in 2005 and 2009
I just don't know what you want me to say. It is what it is. Those teams had no control over who they played in the playoffs.👍 1Leave a comment:
With all due respect, a couple of things strike out at me. First off. You can't label all DLS fans as "arrogant" because of one person(Yomama)is basically saying that the Spartans don't have anything to prove to anyone. He said it with a little emotion regarding struggles playing in the south, not arrogance(IMHO). In fact, people related to DLS in general are not arrogant. It goes against everything that the school teaches. That said, he's right. There truly isn't anything to prove in the grand scheme of things. Now....Do WE want DLS to prove itself. Heck yeah.
Secondly, your research and inferences seem to be, to me(maybe I'm wrong), be insinuating that DLS has been overrated. First, you left of their win over St. Louis of Hawaii which makes their OOS modestly better at 6-5. That increases their road record to a still less-than-stellar 2-4. And 2-5 against top100 teams. Look who those teams were. Not some run of the mill state teams.Throw in the California top 100 wins and DLS is what, I dunno, 25-7 or something. And we know top teams in California can play with the best. But we're just talking OOS, I know. Then you throw in halftime scores that don't shed good light on DLS. There were several games that the game was over by halftime in DLS's favor, but no mention of that. STA was up 10-6 at half. Bosco needed a last play FG to win in '08. DLS lost in OT going for two for the win against Lakeland. I know woulda shoulda coulda, but DLS is about 2 minutes away from being 8-3 and we're not even having this discussion. Maybe you know or maybe ya don't, but DLS changed their entrance preferences from 04-09. They basically took only kids from feeder parochial schools...which pretty much eliminated many kids from surrounding public schools. So there was a talent drop for those years, and OOS teams beating DLS during that timeframe thought they were beating streak-type teams, when they weren't at all. 2 D1 players during that stretch. TWO. DLS had about 6-7 NFL players during the streak years alone. The Spartans had 3 losses and 2 ties(to NorCal teams) in 04 alone. Do you think DLS's OOS record is better if the streak teams traveled? Reason says yes. DLS today has much more talent then the previous 10 years. Point is, this team in '15 is much more like the streak teams. This team woulda likely beat Bosco in 08, Lakeland in 08, Maybe even STA in '11. It certainly would've given Bellevue a better game. The worst DLS team in 30 years was only down 7 at half to them. This is just for some enlightenment. Not being arrogant at all. If Trinity beats this Spartan squad(which they could), I will tip my hat to them...and be rooting for them the rest of the way to win 6A..
My conclusion is that
1.) The streak is what it is. It was played mostly against one section of teams that literally had no chance of beating them. That is still the case today somewhat. That's why DLS is playing out of section, SoCal teams, and OOS games. So take it with a grain of salt.
2.) DLS OOS record isn't as bad as you're making out to be...especially considering the teams that they've played. And as important, WHEN they were played. So I feel Trinity's pain a little on this one. But it is what it is. Trinity accepted the game. So either they step up(in this supposed down year/decade) or they take your medicine...like DLS had to do more than once.
3.) And don't get me started on the recruiting thing.
4.) None of that has any bearing on this game.
5.) DLS are not world beaters. Never claimed that. But like Trinity...they are a really good football team/program.
Sorry so long. Still REALLY looking forward to this game/weekend!
2. I missed one game. My bad. What year was that so I can go back and add it? Still doesn't change significantly the overall results.
3. What's that? Stopped taking kids from surrounding public schools? Interesting.
4. True. Don't be fooled. I am attempting to get y'all riled up. I am "trash talking". Though I believe what I am saying, I say it only to illicit response. Tony is not that guy, you are, which is good, I enjoy the conversation.
5. Agreed. It's all good.
Back to #2. During the streak I always knew all DLS did was play California teams. There would be zero chance of any team on any level coming anywhere near 151 game win streak in Texas. Oh, apparently not just in Texas. Independence in NC is the only other team over 100? So yeah you're right, it matters when those OOS games were played. Had those eleven games been played during the streak maybe DLS would have a better OOS record. Then again, maybe they would have lost just one of those games?
Trinity stepped up to play DLS? That IS an arrogant statement. I am so sorry Trinity is not worthy of mighty DLS. Ever since January (when this game was announced) I heard tons of DLS and Cali fans expressing their disappointment that the Spartans are playing Trinity. "We were told a top (1 or 2) Texas team". Etc... Take our medicine. What does that even mean?
I am glad DLS will have one of their best teams since the streak. Wait, one of the best since the streak? Or one of the best EVER including the streak teams? As for Trinity, this COULD be one of their best teams ever, but we won't know until the end of the season. The timing is such that we are in a coaching switch. Not a mass switch. Two very important positions though in Head Coach and Offensive Coordinator. I think the offense may be slow to start the season. Not slow as in they won't be able to do anything. Just slow as far as not being fully integrated with the new offense. The defense on the other hand will be ready and tough to run on, so at least there's that.👍 1Leave a comment:
Now let's discuss that oh so vaunted road Teinity played to titles in 2005 and 2009Leave a comment:
Super B
You pot stir-er, you! I was up 'til 1am writing my manifesto! LOL!👍 1Leave a comment:
👍 1Leave a comment:
I bet it's not any weaker than a lot of the districts Trinity has been a part of over the last 10 years and definitely can't be any weaker than that gauntlet of a playoff schedule they had to play in '05 and '09Leave a comment:
With all due respect, a couple of things strike out at me. First off. You can't label all DLS fans as "arrogant" because of one person(Yomama)is basically saying that the Spartans don't have anything to prove to anyone. He said it with a little emotion regarding struggles playing in the south, not arrogance(IMHO). In fact, people related to DLS in general are not arrogant. It goes against everything that the school teaches. That said, he's right. There truly isn't anything to prove in the grand scheme of things. Now....Do WE want DLS to prove itself. Heck yeah.
Secondly, your research and inferences seem to be, to me(maybe I'm wrong), be insinuating that DLS has been overrated. First, you left of their win over St. Louis of Hawaii which makes their OOS modestly better at 6-5. That increases their road record to a still less-than-stellar 2-4. And 2-5 against top100 teams. Look who those teams were. Not some run of the mill state teams.Throw in the California top 100 wins and DLS is what, I dunno, 25-7 or something. And we know top teams in California can play with the best. But we're just talking OOS, I know. Then you throw in halftime scores that don't shed good light on DLS. There were several games that the game was over by halftime in DLS's favor, but no mention of that. STA was up 10-6 at half. Bosco needed a last play FG to win in '08. DLS lost in OT going for two for the win against Lakeland. I know woulda shoulda coulda, but DLS is about 2 minutes away from being 8-3 and we're not even having this discussion. Maybe you know or maybe ya don't, but DLS changed their entrance preferences from 04-09. They basically took only kids from feeder parochial schools...which pretty much eliminated many kids from surrounding public schools. So there was a talent drop for those years, and OOS teams beating DLS during that timeframe thought they were beating streak-type teams, when they weren't at all. 2 D1 players during that stretch. TWO. DLS had about 6-7 NFL players during the streak years alone. The Spartans had 3 losses and 2 ties(to NorCal teams) in 04 alone. Do you think DLS's OOS record is better if the streak teams traveled? Reason says yes. DLS today has much more talent then the previous 10 years. Point is, this team in '15 is much more like the streak teams. This team woulda likely beat Bosco in 08, Lakeland in 08, Maybe even STA in '11. It certainly would've given Bellevue a better game. The worst DLS team in 30 years was only down 7 at half to them. This is just for some enlightenment. Not being arrogant at all. If Trinity beats this Spartan squad(which they could), I will tip my hat to them...and be rooting for them the rest of the way to win 6A..
My conclusion is that
1.) The streak is what it is. It was played mostly against one section of teams that literally had no chance of beating them. That is still the case today somewhat. That's why DLS is playing out of section, SoCal teams, and OOS games. So take it with a grain of salt.
2.) DLS OOS record isn't as bad as you're making out to be...especially considering the teams that they've played. And as important, WHEN they were played. So I feel Trinity's pain a little on this one. But it is what it is. Trinity accepted the game. So either they step up(in this supposed down year/decade) or they take your medicine...like DLS had to do more than once.
3.) And don't get me started on the recruiting thing.
4.) None of that has any bearing on this game.
5.) DLS are not world beaters. Never claimed that. But like Trinity...they are a really good football team/program.
Sorry so long. Still REALLY looking forward to this game/weekend!Last edited by DLsSpartanz; 08-17-2015, 02:08 AM.Leave a comment:
i am really looking forward to meeting you guys on the day of the game at 12 noon👍 1Leave a comment:
well I thought your research was outstanding super b the stats about dls ... conclusion is they are consistent in the last 36 years .. and northern California does not have any competion to compete with
de la salle .. and that's my take on that .. ive been known to get real passion about this program cause every year they beat teams much bigger than them and work real hard.. i don't think its arrogance when ya
back up your team ... it would so cool if ya showed trinitys past performances and the teams they played out of state and how they ended up .. i admit i bring up stats and past history much more than the actual coaching staff or past players .. they are much more humble than me .. oh by the way again i was joking about going to a strip joint just like i said i would go to the pep rally at trinity .. sorry if i offended anyoneLeave a comment:
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