Rants and Raves
This is a sticky topic.
I get tired of people expecting Christians to always turn the other cheek. I also get tired of people thinking they are the only ones that have the right to be offended. I get tired of handing over my hard earned money to the government and see it wasted with handouts that are not earned. Last but not least I get tired of people not taking responsibility for their actions.Comment
I get tired of people expecting Christians to always turn the other cheek. I also get tired of people thinking they are the only ones that have the right to be offended. I get tired of handing over my hard earned money to the government and see it wasted with handouts that are not earned. Last but not least I get tired of people not taking responsibility for their actions....๐ 1Comment
I get tired of people telling me "I know how you feel" or comparing things to a specific (past) movement in our nations history. First off you don't/cannot know how I feel if you have not been through/experienced what I've been through or going through. Your time or era in history is not and cannot be the same as the past. So stop saying it.๐ 1Comment
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This is a huge rave. I attended a wedding this weekend and was blown away by our young men just out of some of our military academies. The groom is a 2014 graduate from the Naval Academy as were 7 of his groomsmen. 1 other groomsman graduated from The Merchant Marine Academy. They were all dressed in their dress whites or blues (depending on where they serve, some Navy some went Marine)
Getting to visit with them over the last few days was such a treat. They were some of the most polite and respectful young men I have ever met. They also were very patient and stood for pictures with everyone that wanted one with them at the reception. It brought a tear to my eye when they did the sword thing when the bride and groom entered the reception. Just a fun thing to witness. Our country is just fine with young people like this about to be our military leaders.
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