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Completely forgot about this thread. I was brushing up on my cat facts to throw at Super B in the Open enrollment thread.
mojo you might be right here, that there would need to be some parameters. We have dynasties that range from 5 years to 30 years in this thread already.
La Marque had a 6 year run that was pretty impressive. They went to 6 straight championships gsmes from 1993-1998 going 3-3 in those games. They were 3-0 against Denison and 0-3 against Stephenville.
Completely forgot about this thread. I was brushing up on my cat facts to throw at Super B in the Open enrollment thread.
mojo you might be right here, that there would need to be some parameters. We have dynasties that range from 5 years to 30 years in this thread already.
It however makes for one of the greatest whizzing contest in the history of Texas high school football. The fail side of adding parameters, it can make for a very short topic run.
Richland Springs
Pilot Point (maybe)
Allen* (lol)
We all dog on Katy and region 3 but you have to give them credit, of all the teams, they're the only one who is a constant and when they play the final game, if they're not winning it, they sure are making it hard for the other team to win.
So y'all would say Cedar Hill would make the list but not Trinity? I don't have a problem with that. I always suspected Trinity would have to win 5 to be regarded that way.