Okay, this seems to be a hot topic. Let's discuss.
UIL Athletic Transfer Eligibility Rules
I like the idea assigning another district as the dec and would change it to where it would randomly assigned each year as to which district operated as the dec.
I'm not opposed to sitting out a year either and think that's probably the best way to control what's going on -
I like the idea assigning another district as the dec and would change it to where it would randomly assigned each year as to which district operated as the dec.
I'm not opposed to sitting out a year either and think that's probably the best way to control what's going on
When the UIL realigns districts every 2 yrs, the can do the same for the DEC...randomly. Of course this is not full proof and still relying on people to determine the facts as best they can and parents/students to be honest. Not perfect, but a fair plan.
Mandatory sitting out a year would definitely keep athletic transfers down, but would penalize those moving for real reasons, job, family, better school/academics, but at least everyone transfering would have to factor this in their decision making process. If this was the rule, would the DEC be needed any longer? You could save money if this is all they do. Just saying.
When the UIL realigns districts every 2 yrs, the can do the same for the DEC...randomly. Of course this is not full proof and still relying on people to determine the facts as best they can and parents/students to be honest. Not perfect, but a fair plan.
Mandatory sitting out a year would definitely keep athletic transfers down, but would penalize those moving for real reasons, job, family, better school/academics, but at least everyone transfering would have to factor this in their decision making process. If this was the rule, would the DEC be needed any longer? You could save money if this is all they do. Just saying.
If you went to the everybody sits a year then yes it would do away with the DECsComment
No DEC needed. You transfer in you play JV for the remainder or the next SCHOOL year depending on move time and sport.
For instance kid moves in during football season 2014 he plays jv for the rest of that season and can play varsity in 2015.
Move in after football season you play JV for the following season.
Easy solution.
Exemptions for militaryComment
No DEC needed. You transfer in you play JV for the remainder or the next SCHOOL year depending on move time and sport.
For instance kid moves in during football season 2014 he plays jv for the rest of that season and can play varsity in 2015.
Move in after football season you play JV for the following season.
Easy solution.Exemptions for militaryWell Done!
Right! It would be harsh to make them sit out a year especially for those moves for legit purposes but it would also cut down on the loopholes in the current rules that allow the simple reason of moving for work purposes.
If you went to the everybody sits a year then yes it would do away with the DECs
Do the DEC deal with desipline of ccoachesand players too? I know when a coach is ejected or a player is ejected the UIL looks at it. Does it skip the DEC and go straight to State Executive Committee?Comment
I am an old fart but if I recall, back in the early 80's unless you were a senior, move-in's had to play JV a year.
With the amount of money these NFL contracts pay these days, it's only going to worsen from a high school level. Of course most parents want what's best for their children but in this case, some parents of the athletically gifted kids will make sure their kids have maximum exposure. Heck, even on a college level you're starting to see transfers for athletic purposes. Wonder if the NCAA will eventually address that potential issue.Comment
Allen coach said's no problem with transfer Seth Green. http://bit.ly/1zV0YNC
The more I think about it, the more I'm a fan of the year sit out rule, and for all UIL activities, not just athletics....Comment
More then not, transfers are sign-off and approve by the DEC's. This transfer (Green) is an out of state elite player that draws attention and will be approve because employment reasons of the move it's self. I don't think the problem with transfers has anything to do with UIL rules, the fault lies with the parents that transfer their kids for athletic purposes only. MOPComment
More then not, transfers are sign-off and approve by the DEC's. This transfer (Green) is an out of state elite player that draws attention and will be approve because employment reasons of the move it's self. I don't think the problem with transfers has anything to do with UIL rules, the fault lies with the parents that transfer their kids for athletic purposes only. MOP...Comment
Eventually enough becomes enough and i wouldn't be too shocked if some future DEC meetings are a little more spirited than they have been when it comes to Allen. While they may not be accused of recruiting I'm sure some questions will be asked going forward.
Then again it just may continue to be like it is now and is nothing is dine
I like what has been suggested above by BevoBo. I would take,it one step further and cross classification assign a DEC. A DEC made up of 7-6A coaches, administrators would serve as the DEC for 6-5A. These could be changed EVERY year if necessary, and there would be there would be no matching up. So if 7-6A people serve as a DEC for 6-5A, that same period, 6-5A people would not serve as the DEC for 7-6A people. May 6-5A is DEC for 4-6A that year. 6A reviews 5A, 5A reviews 6A, 4A reviews 3A, 3A reviews 4A, etc... That way, there is virtually zero impact on decisions made. 6A district people would not benefit from decision made on 5A. The only exception would be if a 5A player were moving to a 6A school or vice versa.
I know none of these suggestions will probably ever happen, but the point is, there are better ways it can be done.Super B👍 1Comment
One way that might help, is for the default to be that a transferring student athlete be required to play JV for a season, but can appeal to play Varsity. In this situation the burden of proof shift to the parents/new school to show the move is not for athletic reasons. The default would be to lose one year of eligibility from Varsity. It would be completely up to the parent/new school to fill out appeal paperwork and get it submitted along with whatever they think "proves" their case. The burden of proof needs to go beyond, "because they said so".Super BComment
One way that might help, is for the default to be that a transferring student athlete be required to play JV for a season, but can appeal to play Varsity. In this situation the burden of proof shift to the parents/new school to show the move is not for athletic reasons. The default would be to lose one year of eligibility from Varsity. It would be completely up to the parent/new school to fill out appeal paperwork and get it submitted along with whatever they think "proves" their case. The burden of proof needs to go beyond, "because they said so".
I like your idea and I would also add that the review committee be made up of 7 ADs or coaches picked at random from other regions of the state.Comment