DEC to Dee Anderson. No Transfer For You!
Cedar Hill, Allen, and Guyer need to start doing seminars on this in the spring, they seem to be way better at it than others.👍 2Comment
We'll be pretty good, but nothing like the past two years. We'll have nothing for Desoto when/if the time comes. TW and the green and gold Eagles take it this year.Comment
yeah, you know I really don't understand how this is not a more powerful district. Plano is not holding up their end of the deal very well. I do still have high hopes for PESH though. Will Marcus, Boyd, or Hebron jump up? What about Flower mound, and your young Farmer boys?
We'll be pretty good, but nothing like the past two years. We'll have nothing for Desoto when/if the time comes. TW and the green and gold Eagles take it this year.
Marcus will always field a decent to good front 7 but developing secondary isn't a strong suit of theirs.
Lewisville will be better but I'm not sure playoff good this year. Im not as familiar with Hebron as years last and Flower Mound, well they just don't have a lot of quality depth, size or speed and that won't change this yearComment
Marcus will have a good to great OL this year but thy don't have the horses and talent in the backfield like they had in the days of Hopkins, Mason, Newsome, Smiley and Giddens. They have a younger Hopkins but his burst isn't nearly as quick or powerful as his older brothers was. The big problem for Marcus has been QB play. To put it bluntly, Marcus is terrible at QB and I don't see that changing even with Rikey Dodge taking over as QB coach.
Marcus will always field a decent to good front 7 but developing secondary isn't a strong suit of theirs.
Lewisville will be better but I'm not sure playoff good this year. Im not as familiar with Hebron as years last and Flower Mound, well they just don't have a lot of quality depth, size or speed and that won't change this yearComment
Guyer has had great move-ins with three QBs last season and not a word has been mention about the 4 star TE that join the team this season. But it's all good and wish them the best of luck this upcoming season.Comment
The seminar will be real short, make sure the PAPFs have been sign-off on by you're last school as the three transfers did that are enroll and practicing at CH.Comment
you need to get your facts straight. The Guyer TE moved here in 9th grade and played JV in 10th grade and wasn't on any radar until scouts came by to see Shawn Robinson this past spring.👍 1Comment
that's so wrong it's not even funny. Robinson was the only one who played. The other went back to Prosper and the 3rd was ruled ineligible by the UIL. As The Guyer fan pointed out the TE has been there since 9th grade and actually played a year of JV.Comment
Don't downplay the three QB transfers, I don't play that game, Homie!Comment
How many varsity games did Kevin Dillman play a year ago? Why didn't he play any varsity games? Denton Guyer isn't as smooth and manipulative as Cedar Hill appears to be with getting transfers ruled eligibleComment
Three transfers, get the facts straight! How many transfers made any factor the past few years? Transfers are nothing new in the metro area and it's not something that's going to change in years to come. CH will bring their A game and the teams on their schedule better show up with their's too. Good luck to using a the term manipulative, be more prepare to show facts then to speculate.Comment
Three transfers, get the facts straight! How many transfers made any factor the past few years? Transfers are nothing new in the metro area and it's not something that's going to change in years to come. CH will bring their A game and the teams on their schedule better show up with their's too. Good luck to using a the term manipulative, be more prepare to show facts then to speculate.
Why didn't Dillman play varsity? How snaps of varsity ball did he play while attending Guyer ?Comment
Three transfers, get the facts straight! How many transfers made any factor the past few years? Transfers are nothing new in the metro area and it's not something that's going to change in years to come. CH will bring their A game and the teams on their schedule better show up with their's too. Good luck to using a the term manipulative, be more prepare to show facts then to speculate.Comment
kids don't just show up In the middle of their high school carers without having motive. Especially when those moves are mere miles apart or teaching positions are offered to the parents of a stud athlete. That's not speculation that's straight factual information and manipulating the system in place. I wonder how much "cheating" crosses Joey Macs mind these days
Anderson should really try to transfer to Allen. Allen can hire one of his parents to make the transfer legit. As far as Joey Mac, the other coaches have to check his breath before he takes the field each game. That dude should be in rehab, not coaching kids.Comment
I wonder if anybody knows how the old cheerleading coach from Cedar Hill is going these days. It's such a shame she is no longer able to coach at Cedar HillComment