Third Times a Charm - 4 Star QB Seth Green out of MN transfers to Allen
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Guess they figured out the secret code to deal with transfers. Has the district committee met yet on any of these?Comment
Allen definitely has excelled in the transfer game. They could teach a lot of private schools a thing or twoComment
Duncanville new starting QB is Jaylin Nelson was the soph QB for DeSoto last year that won eight games taking over when Wallace went down in the second game. The year before he was the starting QB for First Baptist, so he's at his third school in three years.Comment
Single school districts and open enrollment. One of those things that will eventually really hurt the integrity of the sport... Not so much the single school IsD but the open enrollmentComment
Allen succeeds at all of em though.Comment
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Open enrollment will be the major problem in the future. We all know that Allen will fadeaway in a few years as everything is cyclical.Comment
I think that's why so many are vocal about the transfers that Allen has benefitted from it's like my goodness, you guys already have 6k in enrollment and don't spilt that between another school, what more do yall need👍 1Comment
I'm not so sure they will fade away. It's kind of hard to fade away when you approach 7k I'm enrollment and still have the demographics that Allen will. It's a perfect mix of wealthy, middle class and lower middle class to fade away.
I think that's why so many are vocal about the transfers that Allen has benefitted from it's like my goodness, you guys already have 6k in enrollment and don't spilt that between another school, what more do yall needComment
Can someone provide links to their knowledge on these transfer rulings or PM me with proof as the dawg has asked me to keep an eye on you guys.👍 2Comment
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